—» La citation - Replay by Julie Portier
At a time when postmodernism is ancient history, when the era of “aftermath” has already had its day, the citation, among other practices of appropriation, has not had…
—» From Dieter Roth to Jason Rhoades: how whiffy can you be ? by Camille Paulhan
In May 1970, at a time when the first warm rays of the Californian spring were beginning to be felt, Swiss artist Dieter Roth organised an exhibition at the…
—» The dance of the y-fronts and spiderman kippenberger and his masters by François Trahais
We remember Martin Kippenberger (Dortmund, 1953 - Vienne, 1997) for his humour and irreverence. His motto was “Jeder Künstler ist ein Mensch”1, subverting Joseph Beuys’ famous maxim
—» Overheard in the studio by Hippolyte Hentgen
H - Do you know it by heart, Blanqui's phrase used as copy-and-paste in all the press releases from our association?
H - I'd say it's something like:…
—» Panzani and Marlboro by François Aubart
Roland Barthes was one of the first to consider our everyday life attentively. With his Mythologies in particular, he revealed the way in which consumer objects and social…
—» precisely by Lidwine Prolonge
We are at the very beginning, you see.As though before everything.The night is hot and humid, wild, perhaps.You advance, masked. A mask in the image of your…
—» Post-structuralism and post-its: the use and misuse of critical theory in the visual arts by Ingrid Luquet-Gad
Concerning philosophers of French Theory, the newspaper Le Canard Enchaîné once stated that it was “the equivalent of Post-its in stationary: apparently they’re stuck onto everything” (8 October 1997). This…